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Tips on How to Clean Every Type of Fencing Material

Fences play an essential role in providing security, privacy, and beauty to our homes. Every homeowner wants their fence to look good and last for a long time. While regular maintenance and repair work wonders, cleaning is also an integral part of keeping your fence in top shape—but cleaning the different styles and types of…

Are All Vinyl Fences The Same? Read Our Guide

You may have heard that vinyl fencing is the way to go as the best modern solution for securing perimeters for residential housing and commercial buildings alike. But does it matter where you order your vinyl fencing, and if there can be a major difference in quality? The professionals at American Wholesale Fenceworks are here…

Does Florida’s Climate Affect Vinyl Fencing?

If you were asked to describe Florida weather in one word, you may struggle with finding a single answer. The sunshine state may be bright and gleaming, but the overall environment is much more complex than it may sound to those who only stop by for summer vacation. Long-time residents know what their homeland is…