The Benefits Of Privacy Fencing: Our Guide For Homeowners
It’s pretty self-explanatory that privacy fences offer privacy, but that’s not all that this fence type can do. Homeowners can enjoy additional benefits on top of steering away the attention of nosy neighbors and other civilians who happen to be passing by. Take a look at this homeowner’s guide explaining the benefits of privacy fencing, courtesy of the professionals at American Wholesale Fenceworks Orlando!
Improving The Yard Experience With Privacy Fences
Other than keeping wandering eyes out of where they’re not supposed to be, privacy fencing can improve any home in a number of ways. Whether it be protection from elemental occurrences or keeping animals within boundaries, privacy fences have so much to offer.
Reduce Noise Levels
Private backyards should be a place to relax and enjoy a beautiful day, but a noisy neighborhood can easily disturb the peace. Having a solid barrier doesn’t just block out intruders and impair their vision, but it can also drown out some of that unwanted noise.
Deter Strong Wind Currents
Privacy fences also provide a solid barrier for reducing wind currents in the yard. While strong winds can push through gaps in picket fencing and wreak havoc, pulling on plants and lifting up recreational items, privacy fences can help stop this from happening to maintain the sanctity of the yard.
Accommodate Any Pets
Any pet owner understands the dangers of exposed fencing. Even if a picket fence is secured in place, a dog may have the determination to dig around it to get to whatever they see on the other side. Meanwhile, most pets see a privacy fence as an impenetrable wall that they can’t get past. That’s why privacy fences make for a great pet-friendly fence type.
Heighten Security
Just the sight of a privacy fence can deter potential trespassers from climbing the barrier for fear of what may be on the other side. To them, there’s no way of telling whether or not someone is home or if people are occupying the backyard and so they may not even make an attempt.
The Best Types Of Privacy Fencing
Are all privacy fences the same, or is one kind better than the other? When it comes down to it, the deciding factor is usually that of personal preference. Wooden privacy fences are very functional and can be made to look modern for a classic but trendy appeal. Vinyl privacy fences are often sought out for their bright and contemporary colors while being a more low-maintenance option.
Things To Consider When Installing A Privacy Fence
When building a privacy fence in Florida, it’s important to read up on state and city fence regulations so that you’re not stepping on any toes. Failing to comply with these laws can end up in hefty fines and a demand for re-installation. If the home is part of an HOA, you must also take their rulebook into account.
Order Premium Privacy Fences From American Wholesale Fenceworks
For high-quality privacy fence materials in Florida, call American Wholesale Fenceworks Orlando at (407) 961-6073 to speak with our friendly and helpful team about the different types that we have to offer and to receive a material quote on your next order!