4 Summer-Inspired Fencing Ideas For Your Yard
One of the best ways to gear up for summer is to prepare an outdoor space to get the most out of the beautiful weather that’s to come. Summer-loving individuals who thrive off being out in the sunlight can benefit from a yard space that’s catered to the season. Need some help coming up with good ideas? Here are some summer-inspired fencing ideas to liven up any yard, courtesy of the professionals at American Wholesale Fenceworks!
1. Adding Touches Of Green, Summer’s Favorite Color
Getting in tune with nature is a great way to enjoy everything that summer has to offer. One way to do this without going on a weekend camping trip into the woods is to invite greenery into the yard. There are so many different ways to do so:
- Grow drooping plants and vines over the fence. Vinyl is an excellent choice for this since the green will stand out on top of the pure white backdrop. Plus, vinyl is resistant to moisture damage, so the plants won’t wear down the material.
- Hang potted plants along the fence. To avoid risking direct exposure between the plants and fence, using hanging pots is a great way around that while still adding style to the yard.
- Prop a ladder against the fence to rest pots on. The wider the ladder and the thicker the steps, the better. People often use this method for placing small succulents in a way that creatively shows off their unique charm.
- Line garden beds along the bottom. This may be a traditional method for appeasing a green thumb without having to dig up the yard, but it works!
2. 5-Minute DIY Fence Decorating Projects
There are a couple of ways to add a bit of flair to a fence without putting in hours of work. Sometimes, all it takes is a quick trip to the store and buying just the right things. For example, a few decorative stepping stones can be placed along the bottom of a fence for a quirky walkway. For people who like to spend most of their summertime outside after sundown when it’s cooler, a string of LEDs along the fence can provide just enough light to invite a comfortable atmosphere. This trick is also very useful for late-evening summer barbeques.
3. Thinking Outside Your Typical Fence Styles
Rather than simply decorating a fence, homeowners might find more joy in completely redoing their fence with modern and trendy styles to carry their uplifted mood throughout the warm season. Opting for a horizontal fence is already a step in the right direction, but there are options that are even more adventurous. For instance, split rail fencing is an ordinary option for farms, but it can be a unique and eye-catching choice for a residence. Vinyl split-rail fencing in particular can bring out cozy farm vibes but with a contemporary twist. While chain link fencing is usually associated with commercial or industrial sites, vinyl-coated options in green or brown can add a personal charm to any home.
4. Setting Up A Cozy Corner Space
A lot of homeowners don’t put much thought into their yard’s corner space, but there’s so much potential waiting to be discovered. Nowadays, people are setting up that corner area to be a livable hotspot for personal use or small gatherings by placing a bit of furniture. Single chairs, L-shaped couches, coffee tables, fire pits, and outdoor fireplaces are all great choices. A small awning placed overhead can help tie it all together.
Get Summer-Approved Fencing At American Wholesale Fenceworks!
For a new fence that can add impeccable style to a summer-ready yard, call American Wholesale Fenceworks at (888) 610-1756 for thoughtful style recommendations and to receive a material quote on your next order!